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Sunday, March 27, 2011

ONE PHOTO A DAY (cont 1)

Image above: 2.18.2011 - Sometimes all we need is just a rainy day. One of the rain songs I love goes:
"...Rainy day people all know there's no sorrow they can't rise above
Rainy day lovers don't love any others, that would not be kind
Rainy day people all know how it hangs on a piece of mind..."

Image above: 2.19.2011 - can't tell or explain enough how I love miniature stuff!!! This is a miniature window display of a Ratatouille movie scene in Disneyland...I just love it! I remember when we were kids we only could play with small tiny pretend bowls and plates, pans, pots, tea cups, mini furnitures,...and it all came together in a imaginary play. 
We used to create our own world that followed our own rules, where things happened the way we wanted, where we let our imagination run wild...until we come to the real world and take it for granted ...Perhaps, that's why I love the 'miniature world' where we could stop dealing with reality for a while and run away with our imagination...
Back to the movie Ratatouille "Any one can cook", the story is not just so creative but also inspirational. Anyone can rise above their status and make their dream come true. I love the statement it makes (according to my interpretation), and I love how it is consistent with Walt Disney's theme: "Remember, dream comes true"! 

 Image above: 2.21.2011 - they are just peanuts, some day there was just no inspiration. I was just waiting for my food to come! I realize when we don't have the passion, the thing we do just become a boring tedious job (even taking photos! such as this one!!!)...gotta love what you do, otherwise what's the point for doing it (?)

Image above: 2.22.2011- 2nd week of creative rocks photographs at the studio

Image above: 2.22.2011 - photos of rocks - inspiration finally did happen under those - like 500 degree - hot lights

Image above: 2.24.2011 - to my close friend: I hope beyond the clouds you'll find your beautiful rainbow

Image above: 3.1.2011 - Studio using strobe light - Every Being carries a Shadow and a Reflection 

Image above: 3.2.2011 - peeking is not always creepy, it only shows curiosity! For no reason, I like to peek at the stairway through the door pinhole -especially when I hear footstep of my neighbor walking by!!; the hallway looks different and way more interesting from here; (and I never saw a pinhole as big as the one on my door :)

 Image above: 3.3.2011 -  When we live our life so fast - which we do as 24 hours a day and 7 days a week never seem to be enough, we tend to miss the smallest and simplest things that are just as beautiful and meaningful.
I went to a restaurant for dinner, and toward the end before I left, when the waiter was cleaning up the table, a small drop of water from the tea pot onto the glass table magnifying the words on the paper underneath the glass top drew my attention to what's written on that piece of paper which otherwise would have been missed:
" ...Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, But beautiful old people are works of art.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.
Friends, you and me.... You brought another friend.... And then there were 3.... We started our group.... Our circle of friends.... And like that circle.... There is no beginning or end...."

Image above: 3.3.2011 - experiment cannot do too much harm anyways, so why not?...ok, sometimes it does, so don't try this at home :-P 

Image above: 3.4.2011 - I feel drawings offer a different value and emotion to the visual experience...Definitely I'm not best at drawing at all, but I like to keep images of the intimate space to me such as rooms in the house or an office space in sketching. And this is my 5-minute-sketch of my cubicle space...

Images above: 3.5.2011 - Chaos or Structure - depending on how you view it. As we are opportunists in nature, our view, thoughts and feelings are mostly predetermined. We tend to collect facts that coincide our feelings at the moment. For example, I chose to show the room as if someone didn't know how to organize the furniture, or as nice and neat, as I wanted it to be, without even touching the pieces or likewise distorting any facts.

Image above: 3.5.2011 - perhaps, I need to see things from a different perspective, though it's not always easy.

Image above: 3.6.2011 - so, we only consumed 8 of those croissants for a Sunday breakfast

Image above: 3.7.2011 - Of course, Bob is out sick, again, for the 3rd time without any advance notice. On the 3rd time, we got this note on his office door. What can I say about my photography teacher?  I hope this is not where standard professional practices for the fields of art and people in these fields are set. While those serious left- brain thinkers lack the ability and knowledge of design, story telling, play and meaning,...; these artistic right brainers are seriously missing -what we probably consider common sense in business and science fields - some logic and rationality....
I guess we need to step out ourselves to see what we're missing and to acknowledge and appreciate what we have. In the age of art and heart, if you plan to rule the future, please prepare for the whole brain approach...:)

Image above: 3.8.2011 - Studio with 2 strobe lights. Inspired by masquerade masks...

Paper faces on parade.
Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
Every face a different shade.
Look around -
there's another
mask behind you!"

Image above: 3.11.2011 - I had no point to make here except for melted mochi balls :-P

Image above: 3.12.2011 - A Maquette of Mickey's Self Portrait by Charles Boyer. "As Mickey Mouse gazes at his reflection in the looking glass, he does not see an animated little mouse but rather the creative genius behind his very existence, Walt Disney..."

Image above 3.13.2011 - Layers of Princess cake. Deliciousness.

Image above: 3.15.2011 - It's NOT about carving the apples perfectly.... 

Image above: 3.15.2011 - it Is about finding The Perfect Apple to carve!!! I never cared about apples that much (except for when I was around 10 - apples were one of my favorite fruits). Recently, I have worked on an assignment and I needed a perfectly round, red apple with shiny and flawless skin. I found myself going on a scout for a perfect apple at the market. It was a serious challenge. I went through the big pile of apples, looking, touching, judging each apple carefully only to find 6 that looked rather good. And out of those 6, there was 1 that was only close to perfect. Lesson learned - it takes a great deal of effort to make good things happen; and want to meet (somewhat) perfection? Be hella picky!!! "Choose things in your life that will endure...Choose things because they delight you, not because they impress others..."

Image above: 3.18.2011 -  It was raining out, a warm cup of tea made it all better. Tea facts: it tastes delicious, it is healthy and it supplies antioxidants and increases metabolism....:)

Image above: 3.19.2011 - This was an intentional camera movement, taken at the Bouquets to Art show at De Young Museum - it was a display of wonderful flower arrangements that assembled famous paintings and sculptures. 

Image above: 3.22.2011: So, we are the proud owners of the classic Shelby 1964 Cobra 427...That's right! It's pretty awesome!........

Image above: 3.22.2011 -.......and of course, miniature version. Still awesome!

Image above: 3.24.2011 - A rainy morning ride to work, when the sun wouldn't want to shine, when the dark clouds wouldn't clear, when the thunder wouldn't stop rumbling in the sky...
Still thankful for the peace of nature; even though it's wet and gloomy, we're still much more fortunate than those who are suffering from the recent disaster.

Image above: 3.25.2011 -  A beautiful morning on the shore after the rain. The sun finally came through the clouds, shining light on the earth.
So grateful for the great weather and peace that nature is offering us here.  

Image above: 3.26.2011 -  and how can anyone not notice this little baby tiger is just way too cute?!!

Image above: 3.27.2011 - We went to an "estate sale" on our block today. It's been days there are rows of cars double parking on the street to get to this estate sale and people are buying and carrying loads of stuff out of the house. We finally got to check that thing out. From the first look, the 'stuff' seemed antique! After we toured the house packed with people buying and selling things, we took a good look at everything and turned out they're loads of junks! Micky Mouse under the table, Mickey Mouse on top of the table, an old stuffed parrot on the dusty shelf, boxes of unidentifiable craps...all were for sale. I realized, as long as we put price tags on them, someone will pay for them. Everything, no matter what it is, is worth something to somebody, just like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I'm going to find stuff to sell, starting with my old microwave! :D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Magic slippers

Once I had a magic pair of slippers; when I stepped into them, I would enter a parallel miniature world. Only when I stepped back out, would I exit this world. I have been there; it was charming and inviting

I was certain to return, except that I never again found my way back once I stepped out of those slippers...