About Me

Monday, May 30, 2011


4.18.2011: don't let rainy days and Mondays, and choppers swirling in the sky get you down!

4.18.2011: later that Monday I ended up at the dance studio to photograph with my group, it was such a great time taking photos and talking with my group and new people I met. This dance was called the Lindy Hop and the dancers were preparing for a coming up performance. I realized all my dance lessons I had 6 years ago have all gone, and it also brought back so much memories that time with my good friends when we were still couple of college kids not knowing real life beyond the university walls wasn't always swing dancing. At some point during the shoot I wanted just to drop my camera and started to bust some moves haha but of course it didn't happen.

4.20.2011 the grass is always greener on the other side...Well, of course, this side doesn't even have any, if you know what I mean...

4.21.2011: During colder months this area would look like there's only dirt and soil, and then suddenly there are these little flowers everywhere along the shore where I do my regular walk during break...Spring is beautiful, it's revealing life everywhere

 4.22.2011: After all this time reading car license plates on the road, I spotted this one on my way to work one day, it shows 4UYE255...it says "for", it almost spells my first name, and 255 is a special number, and I caught that on camera. I know I always had my camera and read license plates all the time for a reason!

4.23.2011: stuff around the house

4.24.2011: attempted to do still life with produce, happiness is at home in the kitchen!

4.25.2011: Still life - collaborative work. A still life is an art work illustrating an inanimate subject matter. Typical objects are either natural or artificial in a domestic setting. Still life in general or still life in photography particularly offers flexibility and freedom in the selection of the objects as well as the arrangement of the design components and allows the artist to convey a meaning, voice an opinion through the chosen objects. 
In this assignment, subject matter includes a small grouping of produce in a household setting. I wanted to create a feeling of closeness and intimacy of the heart of the home – the kitchen space. 

4.30.2011: I love Saturday mornings and I love coffee shops. Mixing them up makes it an enchanting fruit salad bowl

4.31.2011: they're just eggs, there are so many ways to cook them already; and of course there are 7 billion people out there on earth, there must be way too many opinions to even consider

5.7.2011: I always love friends gathering at our home. Over the years I found I, and possibly most people, only have a handful of close friends who I met at about the same short period of time. There seems to be a set time and place in one's life to meet all the friends he/she can ever have, no earlier or later. Other than that, many people, who either were just casual acquaintance or even those that left significant imprint, keep on passing by and it gets just more difficult to maintain any relationships. 

5.8.2011 - just as simple as that...

5.9.2011 - I left the house in the morning and then came home in the evening one day, and my door was painted different color...not again! There used to be the apartment number there before and it wasn't there anymore. I wondered what was waiting on the other side of the door

5.10.2011 - Lesson 5: Always a good idea to have a close look at how things were assembled before un-assembling them, you don't need to break things all the time, this would save so much time and man power.

5.13.2011 Best part of the week is Friday evening when I'm waiting for my ride home

5.13.2011 - The little girl is 6 months old and she starts to recognize people around her. Even though we stop by every week to see her, each time she still takes time to get used to us again. Sometimes she could be a little hesitant to let me hold her, here she was looking up at me to see who was holding her, how adorable!

5.14.2011 - It was the day before Bay to Breakers 100th year anniversary. I got to photograph the volunteers who handed out the packages and T-shirts for the runners, for the volunteer organization's photo gallery. It was always fun to be out and meeting with people.

5.20.2011 - neighborhood street at night. It was about 9 or 10 o'clock on a Friday night, there was hardly anyone, any cars, any things moving but cold wind. I imagined life on the other side of the Pacific ocean is so much more colorful and busy.

5.21.2011 - Saturday afternoon at Ocean Beach, too cold and windy to leave the car

5.22.2011 - Alcatraz island - even things without nervous system tried to escape

5.22.2011 - Living in captivity could only be more miserable when not so far away across the water is the city with so much life

5.22.2011 - Touring San Francisco with the tourists gave me a different perspective about this city. Perhaps I started to take it for granted and forget how pretty it is around here :) - the hills, the bay, the bridges, the sunny weather, wind, sand, great foods, ...and of course the housing prices!

5.28.2011 - on the sunny side 

5.30.2011 - I love lunch and roses on a day off work. Only if life was always that easy

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